Meet Our Chief Operating Officer: Steven Michael Tortora
Mr. Tortora's leadership has infused our team with a wealth of expertise and a forward-thinking strategic approach. On December 4th, 2023, he successfully steered the completion of a $170MM Wellness Center development with UMC Health System. His adeptness at navigating intricate challenges, all while keeping a keen eye on the overarching objectives, has been instrumental in driving our company's progress forward.
Pioneers in Vicissitudes: Wezt Capital's Trailblazing Approach to Adaptive Alternative Asset Management
At Wezt Capital, we stand at the forefront of a dynamic real estate investment landscape, positioned as pioneers navigating the ever-shifting currents of this industry. Our unwavering commitment to innovation and strategic foresight firmly establishes us as trailblazers in adaptive investment practices within the realm of private equity real estate.